A sealant is a thin, plastic coating applied to the chewing surface of molars, premolars and any deep grooves of teeth. Teeth with these conditions are hard to clean and are very susceptible to decay. A sealant protects the tooth by sealing deep grooves, creating a smooth, easy to clean surface. Sealants can protect teeth from decay for many years, but need to be checked for wear and chipping at regular dental visits. Sealants are not for everyone, but a proper exam and assessment allows us to assess if sealants are right for you.
Sealants are easily applied and the process for each tooth is quick. The teeth to be sealed are thoroughly cleaned and then surrounded with cotton to keep the area dry. A special solution is applied to the enamel surface to help the sealant bond to the teeth. The teeth are then rinsed and dried. Sealant material is carefully painted onto the enamel surface to cover the deep grooves or depressions.
Proper home care, a balanced diet, and regular dental visits will aid in the life of new sealants.